bianca zen

În februarie-martie 2022 am organizat pentru prima dată, Effortless Sales, programul de vânzări făcute altfel – cu ușurință, autenticitate și mai ales, integritate. 

Prima ediție am susținut-o integral în limba engleză, din acest motiv vei regăsi feedback-urile în aceasta limbă.

Aici este experiența clientelor mele, prin ochii și cuvintele lor.

"I'm so grateful that I had space to jump into the course and went through all content. It gave me a lot. I've got many wow's and new ideas. You have brought me many useful meanings, put me in places where I found a lot about myself. Your approach, Bianca, is something that I didn't find earlier."
"Big love for this program, for you, and for your wonderful energy! I felt wonderful in your presence, with the group and the amazing ladies you gathered here! Thank you so, so much for opening my path to effortless sales! All the best to you, Bianca! I am grateful!"
"I embraced with my whole soul this program, because of many reasons. The most important one is linked to you, because you showed up authentic, non-judgemental, supportive, kind. You developed the program in your unique, careful, and inspiring way, without cutting quality."
"I loved the clarity of the information, the examples, your metaphors, the clear steps you presented and the confidence, stability, authenticity and enthusiasm you infused this program with.
A big thank you, from all my heart! I have learned so much from you and you will continue to be an example to me. It has been a pleasure to be part of this group and one of the best programs I've invested my time in. The best of luck in your business and much joy in everything you do."
"Starting from today and after this heart-warming and empowering program, I am able to say that the sale is not just a transaction, sale is an act of serving. It is about giving and receiving, about openness and connection. It is honouring who I am, where I am, where I am coming from and where I am going."
"I loved Bianca's blend of fierceness and clarity balanced with feminine softness and embracing facilitation. She offers a heart-led explanation of sales that is wonderfully healing and encouraging for those of us who believe that consistent, well-priced sales are out of reach."
"The whole program is very useful and for me, it puts things into a different perspective. You managed to present sales in a very favorable light, and it resonates with me. I am really grateful to be part of the program!"
"You created a fantastic course, full of practical work and space to work on ourselves. It is an honor being part of it and I am so grateful, thank you so much, Bianca!"
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